Our Producers
The very best of the West.
WAMMCO members, and their farm operations, are located throughout the unsurpassed prime lamb production areas of Western Australia, which boasts a climate of warm to hot summers and cool, wet winters. Reliable rainfall ensures the flock enjoys ideal seasonal conditions for high lamb reproduction rates, fertile soils, and nutritional conditions to sustain healthy growth and development in a pristine environment.
Great Southern Region
Our extensive membership of more than 700 farmer members across the agricultural regions of Western Australia gives access to a flock exceeding 12.5 million head, from a production area of more that 2.5 million square kilometres. WAMMCO’s Katanning production facility located in the Great Southern Region processes the finest quality lamb and mutton products available anywhere in the world.
Why choose WAMMCO? Hear from our producers.
WAMMCO International – Producer of the month
Established in 2016, this highly competitive, much-coveted award is based on minimum of 100 crossbred lambs delivered in each calendar month, with each winner determined by the highest percentage of carcases meeting WAMMCO’s carcase ‘sweet-spot’ category (18.1-28kg HSCW, fat scores 2-3 and defect free) compared to their consignment totals.
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2024 | Highdenup Farms | Gary, Nola, Will, Stevi, George & Elenna Bungey | 08/01/2024 | 191 | 21.19 | 100.00 |
February 2024 | Cootarring Grazing | Nathan Walker | 27/02/2024 | 280 | 21.40 | 97.90 |
March 2024 | JD & TC Alexander | Jim & Tim Alexander | 27/03/2024 | 288 | 22.53 | 95.14 |
April 2024 | I & C McCallum | Ian McCallum | 10/04/2024 | 135 | 21.30 | 95.56 |
May 2024 | Roundpool Farming Trust | Ian Garstone | 27/05/2024 | 182 | 21.98 | 96.70 |
June 2024 | B & TC Lamont | Ben & Tracey Lamont | 18/06/2024 | 111 | 21.82 | 93.69 |
August 2024 | PW & TA Ness | Peter Ness | 28/08/2024 | 169 | 21.31kg | 97.04% |
September 2024 | Moortlea Farming | Wade Brown | 28/09/2024 | 140 | 21.39kg | 96.40% |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2023 | Blackboy Hill Farms, Wellstead | Robert Davy | 20/01/2023 | 180 | 21.46 | 97.78 |
February 2023 | Canowie Pastoral Co, Gairdner | Jason Griffths | 13/02/2023 | 324 | 20.94 | 92.28 |
March 2023 | SJ & MJ Williams, Kojonup | Stacey Williams | 01/03/2023 | 153 | 21.15 | 96.08 |
April 2023 | Yleena Farms, Dowerin | Darrel & Diane Hudson | 05/04/2023 | 131 | 20.80 | 96.08 |
May 2023 | Denvale Dohnes, Mt Barker | Greg Sounness | 18/05/2023 | 149 | 21.30 | 97.32 |
June 2023 | Timaru Farming, Kulin | Brian & Elle Bowey | 29/06/2023 | 202 | 22.32 | 94.06 |
August 2023 | White Family Trust | Michael & Marie White | 17/08/2023 | 192 | 20.87 | 98.80 |
September 2023 | PT & IM Jensen & Son | Peter, Isla, Craig & Rachael Jensen | 15/09/2023 | 107 | 22.67 | 98.13 |
October 2023 | Kirralee Farming | Lindsay & Nigel Lange | 12/10/2023 | 168 | 21.41 | 99.40 |
November 2023 | Mt Ferguson Grazing Co | Brad & Kristen Skraha (Managers) | 29/11/2023 | 123 | 19.77 | 96.75 |
December 2023 | SK & TR Angwin | Steven Angwin | 19/12/2023 | 575 | 21.96 | 92.70 |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2022 | NG & SD Porter, Kojonup | Glen & Shirley Porter | 18/01/2022 | 100 | 21.88 | 98.00 |
February 2022 | JD & TC Alexander, Beverley | Jim & Tim Alexander | 16/02/2022 | 294 | 23.40 | 99.30 |
March 2022 | Mackie Farms, Mt Barker | Iain Mackie | 11/03/2022 | 641 | 21.72 | 98.91 |
April 2022 | JA Russell P/L, Esperance | Phil Chamberlain | 07/04/2022 | 323 | 22.93 | 99.07 |
May 2022 | Australian Food & Farming P/L, Pingrup | George Andreou (Farm Manager) | 26/05/2022 | 314 | 22.29 | 97.45 |
June 2022 | CB Farming Operations, Lower King | Col Bowey/Ash Baldwin | 07/06/2022 | 401 | 22.38 | 96.76 |
July 2022 | RJ McLean & Co, Lake Biddy | Gordon & Phil McLean | 21/07/2022 | 607 | 23.50 | 95.63 |
August 2022 | Kuloomba Farming, Esperance | Anthony McDonald | 30/08/2022 | 303 | 22.45 | 94.72 |
September 2022 | Marraconda, Katanning | Chris Quartermaine | 28/09/2022 | 448 | 21.73 | 94.87 |
October 2022 | Clanmea Farm, Muradup | David Brockman | 01/10/2022 | 223 | 22.09 | 99.57 |
November 2022 | GJ & HA Cussons, Kojonup | Graeme & Hilary Cussons | 29/11/2022 | 102 | 20.75 | 100.00 |
December 2022 | DR & JS Crowley, Gairdner | Darrell Cowley | 19/12/2022 | 126 | awd | 97.62 |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2021 | Winton Park Grazing, Tambellup | Michael Reynolds | 29/01/2021 | 121 | 22.62 | 99.17 |
February 2021 | Ikewa Grazing, Mingenew | Peter & Kate Mills | 04/02/2021 | 221 | 23.02 | 98.64 |
March 2021 | SM Higgins & Sons, Frankland | Robin, Janice, Brad & Jodie Higgins | 10/03/2021 | 206 | 21.28 | 98.06 |
April 2021 | BG & VG Smoker, Kulin | Barry & Veronica Smoker | 29/04/2021 | 101 | 23.08 | 97.03 |
May 2021 | FW McKee & EJ White, Fitzgerald | Francis McKee & Emma White | 05/05/2021 | 209 | 23.97 | 95.70 |
June 2021 | Yleena Farm, Dowerin | Darrel & Diane Hudson | 03/06/2021 | 143 | 22.61 | 95.10 |
August 2021 | AN & RA Baker & Son, Pingaring | Kim Baker | 18/08/2021 | 302 | 22.04 | 98.68 |
September 2021 | Boyagin Valley Farm, Brookton | Eric Pech | 29/09/2021 | 552 | 21.75 | 97.83 |
October 2021 | Glenorie Enterprises, Hyden | Jeremy & Jenny James | 28/10/2021 | 109 | 22.10 | 100.00 |
October 2021 | WE Powell, Pingelly | Jim Powell | 20/10/2021 | 112 | 20.98 | 100.00 |
November 2021 | WM & CM Robertson, Boyup Brook | Wayde Robertson | 17/11/2021 | 405 | 21.30 | 98.52 |
December 2021 | SD & MT Lucchesi, Kulin | Sergio & Michael Lucchesi | 17/12/2021 | 725 | 22.46 | 97.52 |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2020 | SJ & MJ Williams, Kojonup | Stacy & Melissa Williams | 07/01/2020 | 106 | 23.11 | 98.10 |
February 2020 | Daybron Farms, Wongan Hills | Dave Millsteed | 05/02/2020 | 129 | 23.33 | 98.45 |
March 2020 | Tipperary Farming Enterprise, Walkaway | Randal & Kristy Levett | 05/03/2020 | 543 | 22.60 | 98.71 |
April 2020 | Barry Shackley & Co, Cartmeticup | Barry & Sandra Shackley | 14/04/2020 | 100 | 22.80 | 100.00 |
May 2020 | Bullock Hills Pastoral P/L, Woodanilling | Brad & Sylvia Patterson | 05/05/2020 | 127 | 22.61 | 99.25 |
June 2020 | RF & MR Bilney, Kojonup | Roger, Adrian and Matt Bilney | 18/06/2020 | 112 | 23.78 | 98.21 |
August 2020 | RF & Timaru Farming, Kulin | Brian & Michelle (Elle) Bowey | 27/08/2020 | 134 | 22.35 | 100.00 |
September 2020 | DO Gaze, Gnowangerup | Owen Gaze | 29/09/2020 | 148 | 21.50 | 100.00 |
October 2020 | Jesmond Farms, Karlgarin | Murray James | 02/10/2020 | 152 | 21.54 | 99.34 |
November 2020 | SD & MT Lucchesi, Kulin | Sergio & Michael Lucchesi | 13/11/2020 | 352 | 23.46 | 99.43 |
December 2020 | Bunkin Farming Enterprises, Dumbleyung | Dale & Suzanne Cronin, Terry & Lyn Cronin | 22/12/2020 | 146 | 21.61 | 99.30 |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2019 | RW & PM Taylor, Lake Grace | Ross & Pauline Taylor | 30/01/2024 | 261 | 23.50 | 98.10 |
February 2019 | Glenwal & Co, Aldersyde | Wally & Glennis Mills | 07/02/2024 | 120 | 23.70 | 98.70 |
March 2019 | Naballing Estate, Woodanilling | Peter, Wendy and Lee Bessell Browne | 13/03/2024 | 109 | 23.40 | 98.20 |
April 2019 | BD & AM Rick, Newdegate | Barry Rick | 05/04/2019 | 305 | 21.70 | 97.70 |
May 2019 | Yleena Farm, Dowerin | Darrel & Diane Hudson | 30/05/2019 | 131 | 23.00 | 98.50 |
June 2019 | Quintarra Farms, Esperance | Todd Quinlivan | 26/06/2019 | 140 | 22.10 | 97.90 |
August 2019 | J Hitsert & Co, Gnowangerup | Jeremy Hitsert | 28/08/2019 | 109 | 22.55 | 97.25 |
September 2019 | Glenorie Enterprises, Hyden | Jeremy James | 19/09/2019 | 122 | 21.42 | 98.36 |
October 2019 | CD & VK Joyce, Kukerin | Col, Ronnie and Kalan Joyce | 23/10/2019 | 260 | 21.49 | 99.23 |
November 2019 | Wittenoom Plains, Esperance | Jonathon Knox | 11/11/2019 | 231 | 21.15 | 97.84 |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2018 | Lochgair Farms, Newdegate | Ian Garard | 31/01/2018 | 184 | 21.30 | 96.70 |
February 2018 | PM & HB Crossley, Katanning | Phil and Helle Crossley | 16/02/2018 | 100 | 22.90 | 98.00 |
March 2018 | Glenelg Estate, Amelup | Graham Moir | 16/03/2018 | 425 | 22.90 | 98.80 |
April 2018 | SR & JE Noble, Kulin | Simon Noble | 12/04/2018 | 112 | 21.10 | 98.20 |
May 2018 | Lortleaze Farms, Cascades | Simeon Roberts | 29/05/2018 | 182 | 22.40 | 95.10 |
June 2018 | B & TC Lamont, Tambellup | Ben and Tracey | 20/06/2018 | 144 | 20.90 | 97.20 |
August 2018 | SR & KS Williams, Ravensthorpe | Simon Williams | 06/08/2018 | 725 | 20.30 | 94.30 |
September 2018 | ML & HI Gooding, Dumbleyung | Malcolm and Damien Gooding | 14/09/2018 | 172 | 21.50 | 99.40 |
October 2018 | F & W Whittington, Brookton | Mark Whittington | 03/10/2024 | 233 | 22.20 | 97.00 |
November 2018 | JW Sewell & Co, Pingelly | Bruce & Kaylene Sewell | 08/11/2024 | 307 | 20.90 | 97.40 |
December 2018 | GWF & TM Chomley, Kojonup | Griff & Tracey Chomley | 06/12/2024 | 111 | 20.80 | 97.30 |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
January 2017 | KL Carter & Co | Keith Carter | 19/01/2017 | 202 | 22.70 | 97.50 |
February 2017 | Danubin Farms | Don, Darren & Gemma Sadler | 23/02/2017 | 300 | 23.00 | 99.00 |
March 2017 | Gamble & Co | Steve & David Gamble | 29/03/2017 | 206 | 22.80 | 99.50 |
April 2017 | LJ & DJ Wehr | Lachlan Wehr | 11/04/2017 | 208 | 23.00 | 98.10 |
May 2017 | G & B Robinson | Grant & Bernadette Robinson | 10/05/2017 | 180 | 22.60 | 98.30 |
June 2017 | NC Flugge & Co, Katanning | Norman Flugge | 08/06/2017 | 198 | 22.50 | 96.00 |
July 2017 | Yleena Farms, Dowerin | Darrel Hudson | 26/07/2017 | 238 | 24.80 | 91.60 |
August 2017 | BW & DA Barrows, Borden | Brendan Barrows | 04/08/2017 | 374 | 22.30 | 96.50 |
September 2017 | Welke Bros, Cascade | Scott Welke | 18/09/2017 | 220 | 21.30 | 96.70 |
October 2017 | Dongolocking Farming, Dumbleyung | Colin Ball | 04/10/2017 | 163 | 21.50 | 98.20 |
November 2017 | MT Lamont & Co, Gnowangerup | Gavin Lamont | 03/11/2017 | 137 | 20.80 | 96.40 |
December 2017 | Swandale Investments Pty Ltd, Esperance | Greg, Brendon and Ros Tyrell | 20/12/2017 | 205 | 21.20 | 96.10 |
Date | Trading Name | Growers Name | Date Processed dmy | Head Count | Avg Weight KG | Sweet Spot Percentage |
July 2016 | Daybron Farms | David Millstead | 21/07/2016 | 464 | 22.90 | 94.60 |
August 2016 | KJ & RP Siegert | Ken Siegert | 25/08/2016 | 127 | 21.20 | 99.20 |
September 2016 | Clanmea Farm | Rod Brockman | 13/09/2016 | 195 | 21.00 | 99.00 |
October 2016 | Mt Ferguson Grazing | Brad Skraha (Manager) | 04/10/2016 | 259 | 22.20 | 96.90 |
November 2016 | JE Kelly & Co | Neil Kelly | 21/11/2016 | 120 | 22.40 | 98.30 |
December 2016 | Ranfurly Agriculture | John Isbister | 14/12/2016 | 151 | 21.70 | 99.30 |
Producer of the Year
A Producer of the Year Award was introduced by WAMMCO from 2017 to replace the WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition which operated between 2002 and 2016.
The annual award has five separate categories (three for Crossbred and two for Merino lambs) based on total annual throughput, to ensure the competition is equitable for smaller and larger producers alike.
Key points of the new award:
There is no entry fee or entry forms to complete and it is open to both Crossbred and Merino lamb suppliers
Growers must supply a minimum of 250 crossbred or 250 Merino lambs to gain automatic entry
Winners will be determined by the highest percentage of carcases meeting WAMMCO’s carcase sweet spot (18.1-28kg, fat scores 2-3 and defect free carcases), compared with the consignment totals
The Producer of the Year category winners are determined by a score calculation which is based on the total lamb throughput for the financial year for each grower together with:
an 80% weighting on the number of carcases meeting WAMMCO’s carcase sweet spot (18.1-28kg, fat scores 2-3 and defect free carcases), and
a 20% weighting applied to the timing and quantity of lambs delivered. Higher points will be awarded to members who deliver large number of lambs outside the Spring flush
Thanks to our generous Carcase Competition Sponsors

WAMMCO International – Producer of the Year 2024
Producer of the year
Congratulations to our 2023/24 Producer of the Year, Col Bowey & Ash Baldwin from Green Range Lamb, Lower King.
Crossbred large supplier
1st. Green Range lamb, Lower King
2nd. Sand Plain Farm, Esperance
3rd. Boyagin Valley Farm, Brookton
Crossbred medium supplier
1st. NC & TM Garlick, Katanning
2nd. JD & TC Alexander, Beverley
3rd. Yleena Farm, Dowerin
Crossbred small supplier
1st. Roundpool Farming Trust, Woodanilling
2nd. Bundaleer Graziers, Katanning
3rd. M & JM Sadler, Tambellup
Merino large supplier
1st. SJ & N Thompson, Newdegate
2nd. LG & F Hagboom, Dowerin
3rd. AM & TL Willmott, Tambellup
Merino small supplier
1st. Nodwood Farms, Crossman
2nd. Maroondah farms, Yealering
3rd. KJ & RP Siegert, Mocardy